Who can use mediation?

Mediation is open to anyone affected by family breakdown including separation, divorce and common-law.

We have been contracted with the Ministry of Attorney General to provide subsidized family mediation in both Simcoe County and Muskoka since 1995. For more information about our subsidized family mediation.

Family mediation is used by parents or couples who are experiencing difficulties agreeing to minor things or everything, regardless of age, race, nationality, sexual identity, disability, faith or other such factors.

What if my ex doesn’t seem interested in mediation?

  • It’s difficult in the heat of a conflict for both people to think about trying to negotiate together to get things sorted. It can seem far simpler to try to trigger a legal battle that is ultimately actually going to be far more expensive, more stressful and take much, much longer! But mediation can only work when both people agree to attend. If your ex won’t initially agree to mediate you can try asking them to check out this website or suggest they contact us directly and ask their own questions about the process.

Most people are naturally quite anxious before they start mediation, but the huge majority of those who do go ahead and try it are greatly relieved … and surprised at the way they were able to finally make agreements on things that had previously felt it would be impossible to sort. We’ve been doing this for 20 years and have an 80% success rate.

If you’d like to choose private mediation (not subsidized), our independent panel of mediator’s profiles and their rates are available for review. Please fill out this intake form.