P: (705) 725-7020

Thank you for your time!

An email will be sent to you immediately with the information you will need to print for your first court date.

We have provided you here with a page of resources that are linked to each of their websites.

You can print this page or also find the same list on The Mediation Centre's website under Mandatory Information Program

Family Law Information Centres (FLIC)

  • Barrie Court House 705-739-6446 Orillia Court House 705-326-2671 Bracebridge Court House 705-645-8793



Domestic Violence

  • Assaulted woman's hotline www.awhl.org or 1-866-863-0511
  • To find a Women's Shelter in your immediate area please go to www.shelternet.ca
  • Men's Emergency Shelters (Salvation Army) 705-737-2963
